This should be the route I'll be following...

Saturday 11 July 2009

I've died and gone to hell

I'm kamping tonight. . You'd love it Alex. Its full of huge RVs, bigger than my house, and guess what? Tonight it's Christmas in July! Santa is here apparently, there was an ice cream social and now its kareoke, with only country songs by the sound of it. I might do Kylie 'Your Disco Needs You'


  1. Is that you Matt? rolling down the steps.

  2. whats a RV?
    xmas now weird. ? make sure yuo take food and drink for the mountians lookes a bit deserted. phoned yuo . yuo have jsut put double 00 not 001 b4 th number. it rang but its said yuo ve not got mail box set up yet.
